Course Sampler
Communication classes at COCC explore wide-ranging topics and offer students lifelong skills
The selection of Communication courses at COCC is broad in scope, featuring a diverse catalog of topics. Students can explore
public speaking, theater, the inner workings of a personal relationship, the history
of rhetoric, and more.
While each course is focused and unique, Communication classes at COCC collectively share a common educational thread: the facilitation of effective, thoughtful, and active engagement. The following course spotlight provides an example of the depth of study students can discover in Communication at COCC:
In Small Group Communication, students investigate team dynamics, learning how competent communicators problem-solve together, distinguishing the "we" from the "me." Check out a recent COCC student-created group project for this class, a digital escape room entitled "Survive the Jungle."
In Communicating Love, the heart of the learning experience includes a focus on empathy and listening, along with gender definitions and discussions of individuality. It's a class with immediate, relevant takeaways for learners of all ages.
While speech anxiety can hinder one's ability to convey their voice, students can grow new confidence in Public Speaking, a class that can help make connections with an audience in an organized, effective way.
The scope of Intercultural Communication involves defining, understanding, and researching cultures, where ethnicity, religion, race, and values are among the many layers that students engage with.
The range of study in Interpersonal Communication moves from theory to practice, covering understanding of self and others, with the goal of creating better one-on-one interactions.
In Introduction to Theater, students discover the collaborative nature of productions, gaining an understanding for the role of each contributor — from playwrights to designers — with a look at script comprehension and an appreciation of theater traditions.
Viewed through an historical lens, from petroglyphs and Aristotle to a modern digital format, Visual Rhetoric presents the power of effective imagery, examining how ideas can influence behaviors.
Explore these and other courses in the diverse world of Communication at COCC.