Safe Zone Volunteers
The following members of the COCC community serve as Safe Zones for our campus. They
have participated in 6 hours of Safe Zone training and are willing to discuss issues
impacting lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgendered people's lives in a non-judgmental
manner. They will maintain confidentiality within the confines of their positions
and believe that our campus is enriched by the diversity of LGBTQ people.
The following COCC faculty and staff serve as facilitators for the Safe Zone trainings:
Cat Finney, Barber Librarian, 219 Barber Library
Annemarie Hamlin, Humanities, 122 Ochoco
Christopher Hazlett, Humanities, 125 Ochoco
Owen Murphy, Health and Human Performance, 206F Mazama
Anthony Rosso, Writing and Literature, 117 Ochoco
Kara Rutherford, Admissions and Records, BEC 124
Buffy Stoll Turton, First Year Experience, CAS 238
Christy Walker, Diversity and Inclusion, 216 Coats Campus Center
The following COCC faculty and staff serve as Safe Zone volunteers:
Seana Barry, CAP Services, 230 Cascades Hall
Mike Beaulieu, Campus Services, 103 Coats Campus Center
Nancy Blair-Madison, Disabilities Services, 010 Barber Library
Zak Boone, Foundation Office, 218 Boyle Education Center
Greg Bowers, Information Technology Services, 113 Pioneer
Stef Brewer, Adult Basic Skills, 106 Madras Campus
Erika Carman, Office of Instruction, 205 Metolius
Michelle Cary, Native American Program, 106B Coats Campus Center
Donna Casey, Mathematics, 209 Grandview
Emma Chaput, Biology, 284 Middleton Science Center
Christy Chaung, Student Services, 208 Coats Campus Center
Lisa Chitwood, Bookstore, Newberry Hall
Angie Cole, Early Childhood Education, 205 Modoc
Mike Cooper, Humanities, 127 Ochoco Hall
Jenny Cruickshank, Health and Human Performance, 206C Mazama
Riki Dela Cruz, Psychology, 16 Deschutes
Jane Denison-Furness, Humanities, 111 Ochoco
Kate Donahue, Student Housing, Wickiup Hall
Stacey Donahue, Humanities, 126 Ochoco Hall
Keri Donovan, Humanities, 119 Ochoco and 220 Redmond Technology Center
Kristin Dorsey, Humanities, 312 Building 3, Redmond
Julie Downing, Dean of Instruction, 213 Metolius,
Tracy Dula, Career Services, CAP Services, 233 Cascades Hall
Drew Fegette, Information Technology Services, 200E Pioneer
Angie Filener, Admissions and Records, Boyle Education Center Mall
Cat Finney, Barber Librarian, 219 Barber Library
Rebecca Franklin, Forest Technology, 207 Cascades Hall
Jessica Giglio, Mathematics, 224 Grandview Hall
Pat Givens, Barber Library, 111 Barber Library
Stephanie Goetsch, Continuing Education, 335 Building 3, Redmond
Christina Grijalva, Health Information Management, 243 Health Careers Center
Kevin Grove, Science, 290 Middleton Science Center
Annemarie Hamlin, Humanities, 122 Ochoco
Michael Hansen, Business, 123 Grandview
Amy Harper, World Languages and Cultures, 225 Modoc
Tyler Hayes, Admissions & Records, 127 Boyle Education Center
Christopher Hazlett, Humanities, 125 Ochoco
Sarah Henson, Human Development, 223 Modoc
Kirsten Hostetler, Barber Library, 218 Barber Library
Yasuko Jackson, E-learning and Academic Technology, 215 Barber Library
Lisa Jaschek, Admissions and Records, Boyle Education Center
Diana Kalanquin, CAP Services, 228 Cascades Hall
Julie Keener, Mathematics, 217 Grandview
Cheri Kropp, Humanities, 127 Ochoco
Amanda Layton, Biology, 276 Middleton Science Center
Marcus Legrand, Adult Basic Skills, 101 Metolius Hall
Lilli Ann Linford-Foreman, Fine Arts and Communication, 109 Pence
Marcie Masood, Continuing Education, 109 Chandler Hall
Lisa McGean, Humanities, 127 Ochoco
Melissa Merryman, Student Housing, Wickiup Hall
Aimee Metcalf, Marketing and Public Relations, 121 Boyle Education Center
Susan Miller, Nursing, 344 Health Careers Center
Melissa Monette, Admissions and Records, Boyle Education Center
Alicia Moore, Student and Enrollment Services, 213 Coats Campus Center
Jane Morrow, Nursing, 347 Health Careers Center
Owen Murphy, Health and Human Performance, 206F Mazama
Jenni Newby, 203 Instructional Dean, Metolius
Brittany Nichols, COCC Foundation Office, 220 Boyle Education Center
Courtney Nolta, Admissions and Records, Boyle Education Center
Alan Nunes, Massage Therapy, 247 Health Careers Center
Stephanie Pedro, Campus Safety, 161 Boyle Education Center
Mindalay Perez, Admissions & Records, Boyle Education Center Mall
Brynn Pierce, Institutional Effectiveness, 229 Boyle Education Center
Keri Podell, CAP Services, 229 Cascades Hall
Kristine Roshau, E-learning and Academic Technology, 216 Barber Library
Anthony Rosso, Humanities, 117 Ochoco Hall
Jamie Rougeux, Disabilities Services, 010 Barber Library
Michelle Ruebush, Natural and Industrial Resources, 218 Pondorosa
Jessica Russell, Health and Human Performance, 206D Mazama
Tony Russell, Humanities, 356 Health Careers Center
Kara Rutherford, Admissions and Records, 129 Boyle Education Center
Evelia Sandoval, LatinX Program, 106 A, Coats Campus Center
Christin Sands, Campus Services, Campus Services Building
Mary Sather, Humanities, 105 Ochoco Hall
Kiri Simning, Nursing, 345 Health Careers Center
Paula Simone, Structural Fire, 120 Ponderosa
Kellie Smith, Tutoring and Testing Center, Barber Library
Layla Solar, Financial Aid, 109 Boyle Education Center
Billie Stedman, Human Development, 203 Modoc
Lora Szaraniec, Marketing and Public Relations, Boyle Education Center 116
Tracy Thille, Redmond Campus, 131 Building 1
Julie Townsend, Financial Aid, Boyle Education Center
Erin Trimble, Disability Services, 012 Barber Library
Monica Vines, Addiction Studies, 207 Modoc
Carrie Walker, Humanities, 124 Ochoco Hall
Shannon Waller, Pharmacy Technology, 244 Health Careers Center
Heidi Weaver, Human Resources, 103 Newberry
Mindy Williams, Humanities, 112 Ochoco
David Wolfe, Housing and Residence Life, 2202 Wickiup Hall
Anne Zmyslinski-Seeling, Fine Arts and Communication, 114 Jefferson Hall
Wendi Worthington, Human Development, 220 Redmond Technology Center
Amy Wheary, Nursing, 349 Health Careers