Graduation Rates

Updated September 14, 2023
As reported to the US Department of Education through the Integrated Postsecondary Educational Data System (IPEDS) for 2022-23.

In order for students to make more informed decisions about attending college, Central Oregon Community College makes the following information available in accordance with the federal Student Right-to-Know Act.


The following completion and graduation rates are based upon a limited cohort of 610 first-time, full-time, degree/certificate-seeking students who entered COCC fall term 2019. These students were tracked over a three-year period to determine their academic outcomes.

Please note that these rates may not be representative of the entire credit student population of the college.

Student Academic Outcomes after three years:

Completed a degree or certificate program at COCC 22%

Degree or certificate not completed but still enrolled at COCC 9%

Transferred to another college or university without completing a degree or certificate at COCC 21%

The combined percentage of students who completed their degrees/certificates at COCC, transferred to another institution, or were still enrolled at COCC fall term 2022 is 52%. This means that 48% did not continue their studies at COCC or at another college or university during this three-year window of time.